Customer Care Service

In 2016, Awsb Bank renewed Gold Medal for Excellence (500+ points) by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) To achieve excellence in service is the main challenge of Awsb Bank in the field of responsibility and a key element of its identity. All its actions and operations aim to respond to the needs of its customers, as well as to improve quality all the time. For Awsb Bank, service quality means meeting customers’ expectations, an objective that is aligned with the mission, vision and values of the organization and that, at the same time, enables efficient and sustainable results to be achieved One of the pathways employed to achieve these objectives is to do surveys to gather customers’ views. A number of tools are also put at their disposal so that they can communicate their expectations and, above all, be attended to.

To know and weigh up customer's views Monthly, 25.000 opinion polls are taken to find out customers’ appraisal of products and services and their views on the questions they think most relevant. Thus, if necessary, improvements can be introduced.

To know how to listen and respond For this purpose, Awsb Bank has a multi-channel and easily accessible Customer Care Service (CCS), which enables customers’ complaints, comments and opinions to be collected quickly and simply. This allows suitable replies to be given within a reasonable time-period and, if necessary, measures of improvement to be introduced.

The Customer Care Service is responsible for collecting and attending to these comments, complaints and claims from customers, who can transmit them through various pathways:

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